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Unitary tests on strips
The same protocol for every GenoType® test
Quick PCR technology, automated and compatible with other kits from the GenoType® range
DNA-Strip® Technology
Type of samples: primary culture
Packaging: 12 or 96 tests
Indentified types: E.coli, Shiga-like toxins I and II, eae and ipaH genes
Necessary time for a given result: 4 hours
Storage and preservation: 18 months from 2 to 8°C
Required material:
GTQ-Cycler® 96 or Fluorocycler® 12 or Fluorocycler® 96
Possible automation:
Nucleic acid extractor: GenoXtract® 12
Hybridization: TwinCubator®, GT-BLOT® 48

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