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micro-IDent® and micro-IDent® plus tests
Treating periodontitis is surprisingly easy!
Biocentric will help you to optimize your therapeutic success rate thanks to the identification of key drivers that stimulate periodontitis progression. micro-IDent® and micro-IDent® plus tests for the genetic identification of pathogens, as well as GenoType® IL-1 test for the determination of genetic risk are valuable tools that will enable you to confirm your initial clinical diagnosis.
Thanks to these molecular biology tests you will be able to offer an individual treatment, which will be targeted and thus, more efficient for periodontitis.
The tests results will support your therapeutic decisions, validate the selection of adjuvant antibiotic therapy, of control intervals or appropriate prophylactic measures.
To get a free sample of micro-IDent® please

“This diagnosis based on DNA tests enables me to anticipate next step at any time and thus to offer an efficient treatment to my patients.
I feel more confident regarding the therapeutic approach used for each patient.”
Testimony of a dentist, user of micro-IDent®

Periodontitis and peri-implantitis
Infectious multifactorial diseases: main risk factors can be quickly and easily identified thanks to molecular biology tests.
At a glance: genetic analysis of pathogenic germs with
micro-IDent® and micro-IDent® plus.
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