About Us
Biocentric was created in 1999. The company devises, develops and sells reagents for in vitro diagnosis in the area of infectious diseases. One of its flagship products GENERIC HIV Charge Virale test for biological follow-up of patients infected by HIV-1 was born out of a scientific successful joint effort between the French National Agency of Research on AIDS which began in 2005. Nowadays, Biocentric provides a large range of PCR tests designed for the follow-up of HIV-1 reservoir, hepatitis B viral load or HIV-2.
Biocentric also commercializes two innovative solutions, in the area of in vitro diagnosis adapted to the needs of several stakeholders from medical biology, hospital laboratories and private analytical testing laboratories.

Updated brochure "GENERIC HIV Charge Virale", including three new instruments:
FluoroCycler® 96 (Hain LifeScience)
LightCycler® 96 (Roche Diagnostics)
QuantStudio 5 Dx (Thermofisher)